Speer Financial, Inc., is a nationally recognized, employee-owned firm of municipal advisors, founded in 1954. Speer Financial works solely with governmental entities as municipal advisor and specializes in debt issuance and related services. As independent advisors, Speer is dedicated to serving our clients’ best interests and creating high-quality long-term financial solutions.
Speer Financial does not underwrite, purchase or sell bonds, nor is the firm affiliated with any bank, underwriter or investing institution. We are able, therefore, to render financial advice to our clients without bias or conflict of interest. Our services are solely for the benefit of our governmental clients. We are charter members of the National Association of Municipal Advisors, an industry coalition seeking to develop and promote ethical and professional standards for municipal advisory firms and their employees.
Speer brings our clients years of experience in the financial markets. Since 1996, Speer Financial has participated in the planning and sale of over 4,000 municipal securities issuances for a total par amount of over $22 Billion. We routinely handle securities such as: general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, debt certificates, notes, refunding issues, tax increment bonds, special assessment bonds and special service area bonds.
Speer maintains its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois and has a full service satellite office in Waterloo, Iowa. The firm maintains a staff with varied backgrounds and disciplines which equip the staff to respond promptly to client questions. Speer only accepts assignments within its staff's expertise and available time. Our many long-term relationships demonstrate the level of client satisfaction with our services.
Speer Financial is a member and/or sponsor of many professional organizations and charitable foundations.
National Association of Municipal Advisors
Government Finance Officers Association
Illinois Government Finance Officers Association
Illinois Association of Park Districts
Illinois Parks and Recreation Association
Illinois City County Management Association
Illinois Association of School Business Officials
Illinois Municipal League
Metro West Council of Governments
Lake County Municipal League
Will County Governmental League
South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association
Iowa Municipal Finance Officers Association
Iowa State Association of Counties
Iowa League of Cities
Iowa State Association of School Boards
Iowa Association of Community College Trustees
Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities